Micro Garden

Location: Nanling, China
Status: Construction Documentation
Size: 12,000㎡ 
Type:  Hospitality


Each year, a large number of Wayzim Corp’s employees at different cities need to travel to Nanlin county to work and study at its manufacturing campus for a short period of time. This hotel project is commissioned by Wayzim to design a short-term living space that allows its employees and their families to stay. The site is located at the Nanlin county industrial park, adjacent to Wayzim’s manufacturing campus, but away from the urban center and other urban amenities. The goal of this project is to create a “garden” experience for the employees after work and shape a living experience within but different from the general environment in industrial parks. The main structure is a two to three stories building, stretching out and covers a large portion of the site to form inward courtyards through the wall and massing. The building is limited in height so that it could hide in the woods when looking from a long distance. The micro gardens inside are designed to create a comfortable, peaceful, and quiet living environment which allows the employees to find a place to temporarily be away from work.


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